Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gears of Melee 2?

Okay, now that I'm done with the demon World of Warcraft *It took my mind for a while I just stopped playing entirely* I can move on back to my opinions and rants about games on Console. Let me start off by saying I like this game, I've owned it since it came out, I couldn't wait to pick the mother F'er up and play the campaign to HELL with my friend. I mean I loved part one, hated the achievements and the online game itself, but that's a tale for later in this article. Let me just start off, anyone reading this I'm sure you played this game if you own a 360, otherwise... seriously why do you own a 360? This is one of powerhouses on the console, and if you're just not playing it because it's too violent you bought the wrong system. On mah 360 it's shootan games galore!!! PEW PEW FUCK CHAINSAW BRAAAA WHERE'S MY WIFE!? Okay I'm going off on a tangent, so I'm going to pick the game apart.
Story: Well it's a continuation of the first Gears, which by this time I completely forgot the whole fucking game. It seems like it's okay but I know shit is missing in between, which is why they wrote a book for in between, not to milk people for money. NO that would be wrong... I still have to pick the fucking book up... Anyways the story is pretty action packed etc, but I have to say most disappointing last boss ever. Raam was like a party thrown be Jesus Christ himself awesome compared to a giant fucking glowing Brumak. Graphics: Pretty fucking good, the only complaint I can say when you load a level you can see all the texture layers falling over the characters... wait that's not really bad actually it's pretty awesome to me. Achievements: Yeah.... a lot of fucking online ones... some I'm probably never getting. I mean I'll admit this now, I'm not good. I'm really just so so. Coming off Halo 3 I'm just a support kind of teammate.
Multi-player: Okay I'm conflicted, I love playing multi-player... with my friends. Online nobody fucking calls out SHIT. Rare will you find people with their mic on so why be the one yelling at nobody? Okay now that the teamwork factor is over, lets talk about the weapons. Get power weapons or fucking die. Sure you can be skilled and hammer burst someone quick, but almost every other weapon will wreck your shit. I mean hell every person comes with a power weapon, it's called the fucking shotgun. This is why I hated gears online in part one. The shotgun was SO fucking powerful, you could use it like a fucking rifle and it does MASSIVE fucking damage. YOU FUCKING START WITH IT. At least in Halo you have to go fucking find the weapon, OH no you can just Melee Shotgun a whole fucking team. That besides the fact it isn't fucking precise like, you can shoot a bitch close up body shot they live, you get clipped around a corner and BOOM you are fucking hamburger. While I could blame this on me being so so, I mean host advantage is still existent so that .1 second he hit you first is crucial. Even so I find myself screaming at this game yet wanting to better myself at it. I recommend this game though, if you have a friend to play story mode through it makes it all the sweeter, you got 4 other friends for online, have fun with that, also Horde mode is pretty fucking fun too. I'll gladly play this until Gears 3 is out on the 720 or Xbox 3 or whatever the fuck system its on.

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